You don't give to us. You give THROUGH us.

GIVE to Mosaic Church/Moses Project

Click the link below to give online safely and securely. In the online portal, you’re able to set up an account, make a one-time donation, set up a recurring tithe, or choose a fund where you'd like to designate a special gift.

Give Here Today.


Through the regular giving of our tithes and offerings, we worship, obey, and

surrender, acknowledging that God is our provider and everything we have is His.

Thank you for your faithfulness, generosity, and commitment to being the

church. It’s because of your generous and faithful giving that we continue to

bring hope, health, and healing to our community.

Prefer to mail a check?

Mailing address:

Mosaic Church

627 S. James Campbell Blvd #385

Columbia TN 38401